Forget me not sowing instructions
If you are reading this page you have recieved our LittlePlants plastic free wedding favours and have scanned the QR code!
Below are the sowing instructions for your seeds which are in this case forget me nots.
However in your favours you have recieved a compost disc in a biodegradable pot bag open your bag and pop the disc and bag into 200ml of water as you will see in the below video. Once you have your compost disolved and ready in your pot bag you can follow the sowing instructions as below.
Sow Forget me not seeds outdoors from May - July or indoors in Sept, to over winter indoors or March to May a sunny windowsill. Cover seed with 5 cm of compost, sow in cell trays and then break apart your biodegradable tray and sink the seedling into a larger pot a few weeks after germination, this will allow you to transplant the seedlings without disturbing the roots.
Step 1 - Pop compost disc in a bowl with approx. 200ml of water and allow to expand (usually 5-7 minutes)
Step 2 -Fill pot with compost
Step 3 - Sow seeds approx. 0.5cm deep in the compost.
Step 4 - Place on warm windowsill in spring or autumn or outside in summer
Step 5 - Keep compost moist not wet. Once the compost has dried out a little from being dissolved compost should feel cold to touch not wet or soggy.
Seeds will germinate in 10-14 days after sowing.