If you want to get your children out in the garden this year now is the perfect time to get started! What better way to encourage them to try new fruits and veg than the anticipation of watching and helping them grow!
Here are five great seeds to get littleones started



Here are some handy tips for successful seed sowing with littleones:
- Choose seeds that are easy to grow such as sunflowers or peas.
- Use small containers or pots to start with so that it's easier for kids to manage.
- Make sure the soil is moist before planting the seeds.
- Show the kids how to make a small hole in the soil and place the seed inside.
- Cover the seeds with soil and water them gently.
- Place the pots in a sunny area and water them regularly.
- Encourage kids to observe the growth and progress of the seeds.
- Once the seedlings have grown, transplant them into a larger pot or into the ground.
- Have fun and enjoy the process of watching the seeds grow into plants!
Check out our childrens garden and activity kits here