Nov 8th is STEM Day - Here are some super simple Hands-On Garden STEAM Activities for Preschoolers

Explore the science of germination as you observe seeds sprouting in different environments.
Broadbeans in a clear bag are perfect for this activity Other fast germinating seeds include spinach, lettuce, peas, radishes, cornflower, cress.

Watch plants root in water - some succulent plants will root in water alone and it’s a super activity to allow children to experience a plant growing. Buzzy Lizzies (Impatients) are one of the best to root in only a glass of water, other great options are Begonias, Spider Plant, Basil.

Watch how flowers obsorb water by adding food colouring to the water of pale flowers. white flowers
(Roses and Hydrangeas work very well you can also use Chrysanthemums or Carnations.

Explore the science of plants by using seeds as a sensory activity, count, feel and explore different seeds, how many shapes and colours are can you find. See how bigger seeds sometime are different varaties and larger plants. Don’t for get our parks are covered in tree seeds this time of year.